Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ask me anything!

I just found out that March is "Ask me anything in my blog" month...

So, cool.. Let's play a game!

Go ahead and ask me anything.. My lifestyle dynamic.. what I like to read, watch.. Have I lost the game recently.. (darn.. I just did!).. and is 42 truly the answer to the universe?

All, any  and in between...



  1. What is one thing you would really love to have but just don't?

    When did you first understand that what you really wanted was a Daddy/lg relationship?

    1. Ohh.. bring out the hard questions! :)

      1. Hmm..In the 'surreal" world, I'd love to have more hours in the day! It seems that there is never enough time to do what "has" to be done.. and spend the time with those you love. So, I would love for time to slow down, (or be added too) so I could spend more time with my wonderful Daddy and my dear friends.
      On the "tangible" train of thought.... hmm.. that's hard. I've always wanted and I Pad.. :)

      2. It was pretty early on in my life style discovery that I realized the D/lg dynamic is where I needed to be. I did a lot of reading when I first discovered that there was this thing called BDSM.. I read about the M/s and D/s dynamics.. and while there were components of those dynamics that I felt connected too, there was still this huge void. I remember the day I stumbled on the D/lg dynamic. I read and read and was shocked.. I had come home This was me.. and I knew that this was where I was meant to go and learn and grow.
      I just consider myself lucky that I found my Daddy..and he is the most amazing and wonderful man in the world.

      <3 Thanks for your questions!

  2. It's good to see you writing!

    Yes, there is life outside Fetlife!

    1. :) Glad to see you here and YES, there is a life outside of FL.. so glad to be finding it!

